Live Well eBooks Presents

Discover the secrets behind 
the movie "THE SECRET" and gain more prosperity, happiness, joy and success!

The philosophy seen
on Larry King Live!

Use this amazing collection of 41 eBooks to accelerate your life
into the next dimension!

If you were to purchase the printed versions of these 41 books from Amazon, they would cost you, depending upon the edition, from $9.95 to $29.95 a piece.  That's potentially $300 - $900 out of your pocket.  But you can get all of our special eBook editions for $10. 


You found this page … and that’s no accident.

You're here because you watched THE SECRET and your curiosity was piqued ... Or you heard about the movie and you wanted to know more ...

Perhaps you were captivated and enthralled? 

Perhaps you felt your heart racing with excitement at the possibility of living your life in a powerful new way?  Perhaps your brain even felt like it was going to explode from these dynamic mind-expanding ideas ...?

But mostly you wondered, "Could it really be that easy to lead a successful vibrant life?"

Coincidence?  Of course not.

You sought out more information to increase your understanding of the Universe and its laws. And you were guided here.  No surprise. That's how the Law of Attraction works. 

The subject THE SECRET was presented in such a clear refreshing way that perhaps you felt yourself quivering with excitement.  But did you know that these ideas and concepts presented in the film have been around for over a 100 years!?!

Yes, it’s true! 

These ideas were prominent in a philosophy called The New Thought Movement.  It was a movement comprised of some of the best writers and thinkers of the time.  Such people as:

Ernest Holmes
Charles Fillmore
H. Emilie Cady
Napoleon Hill
James Allen
Mary Baker Eddy
Charles Haanel
Wallace Wattles
Henry Thomas Hamblin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry Wood
William W. Atkinson
Ralph Waldo Trine

And the list goes on …

These authors were out to change the world by changing the inner lives of their readers and students.  They knew that all change begins within. 

As demonstrated in THE SECRET, our outer word is a reflection of our inner world … so if we change our inner world (thoughts, beliefs, feelings) we can manifest whatever we want in our lives.  Isn’t that powerful?

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and that if we embody success from the inside, we will bring success to us in our physical reality.   

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what 
he thinks into it." --
Ernest Holmes

You CAN change your life, the process just begins from the INSIDE OUT.  

Isn't it time you manifested your desires now?

Well, keep on reading because below is a special collection of eBooks that will help you reach your goals of happiness and success. 

You will learn how to use Universal Principles to attract whatever you want into your life.  These books are inspiring and transforming and by applying the knowledge within, you really can create your own reality.  

Here's what people have said about a few books in this collection:

"This book will change your life ... I cannot stress enough the positive impact that you will see happen in your life and the people's lives around you when you read this book and apply the principles and affirmations. You will begin to see all your dreams start to come true right before your eyes and you'll find yourself saying, 'I can't believe it was that simple...'" 
Laura Zane Aveton on The Game of Life and How to Play It

"One of the best books I have ever read on how to alleviate scarcity and lack in my thinking process and how to truly embrace prosperity and actually achieve it. My life has totally turned around since I started applying the principles in this book! I highly recommend it!"
An Amazon Reader on The Path of Prosperity

"This is great book and it deserves to be in any great collection of metaphysical books. I recommend it highly for every page has at least one nugget of pure gold just waiting for you to embrace and make your own."
John P. Morgan on The Dore Lectures on Mental Science

"Profound and Practical Teaching … Behrend knows what she is talking about. This is not only a book of metaphysical recipes to manifest anything you want to be or to have. She explains what is Truth and how/why it works.  Knowledge is essential in order to boost your practice and get results. This is a concised course, a very dense reading full of treasures."
Clara Ibanez on Your Invisible Power

 Think and Grow Rich ... Yes, That Means YOU!

Bob Proctor, perhaps with more screen time in THE SECRET than anyone else, read one of the most famous New Thought works of all time, Think and Grow Rich, when he was 26.  It changed his life forever. 

By using the principles, Bob started his own office cleaning company and went from making $4000 a year to $100,000 a year in twelve months.  Now Bob, many years later, is a trainer of trainers.  He uses his gifts to break down the wisdom of men like Napoleon Hill into simple, understandable concepts that anyone can apply and use to change their life. 

The original unexpurgated 1937 edition of Think and Grow Rich is included in this package. 

Wouldn’t you like to have men like Bob Proctor and Napoleon Hill looking over your shoulder, whispering ideas into your ear?  Spurring you on to success?  Well, now you virtually can.   

And here are some of the benefits of this 
exhilarating collection of knowledge


Ideas and concepts in these books will teach you how to:


  • Control and direct your imagination -- use your mind to create only what is best and wanted by you.

  • Release debilitating negative emotions and replace them with positive uplifting ones.

  • Change your thinking to bring unprecedented riches into your life.

  • Let go of worry and embrace a new level of peace -- find a new level of personal freedom.

  • Ignore outward appearances and focus on what you want to bring into your life -- conditions are only permanent if you let them be. 

  • Develop a closer relationship with the creator within -- recognize and develop your inner spirit.

  • Replace beliefs that are holding you back with empowering ones -- believe in your greatness.

  • Harness the power of the Universe to do your bidding -- you are on earth to create your life as you wish it.

  • Recognize that everything in the Universe is energy and that you can control the flow of "good energy" in your life; you are the engineer.

  • Create confidence in yourself and in your abilities -- become an unstoppable dynamo who is admired by others.

  • Overcome addictions and negative habits by focusing on the truth of your inner perfection.

  • Visualize and meditate; delve into the deeper states of mind and replenish your soul. 

  • Bring about self healing, both physical & spiritual -- the mind is the most powerful pharmacy on earth.


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    The Foundation to Build Your Life Upon:
     Thoughts Are Things

    One of the premises of manifesting your desires is that “Thoughts are Things.”  Thoughts are real.  They have substance.   What we hold in our mind on a continual, focused basis is what we bring into reality. 

    Do the speakers shown in THE SECRET really believe these concepts  – or are they merely trying to pull a fast one to make money?

    No, they are deeply involved in these philosophies.  They are sincere human beings, just like you and me.  They are not out rip anyone off.  They are here to help us reach our fullest potential. 

    Have you considered the advantages to eBooks? 

      • Instant downloading

      • Zero shipping costs

      • No wasted shelf space

      • Easily stored on computer

      • Portable -- Take with you on a laptop or PDA wherever you go

      • Fully searchable through keyword indexing -- Find your favorite parts instantly

      • Save trees -- Print out only the valuable parts you resonate with  

    It's estimated that 250 million people read e-books worldwide.  Perhaps you're already one of them?

    The Science of Mind: Change Your Thinking, 
    Change Your Life

    For instance, one of the New Thought authors in this package is Ernest Holmes (1887-1960).  Holmes wrote the Science of Mind (the 1926 classic edition is included in this package) and soon the book took on a life of its own.  Holmes’ students become so convinced of its spiritual value that they formed the Church of Religious Science centered on these principles.  Holmes never expected (nor wanted) his work to become the basis of a church … but by then it was too late!!

     “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life,” was Holmes motto and is the tagline of Science of Mind magazine, which has been continuously in circulation since 1927.  

    Many of the people featured in THE SECRET have been or are adherents of this philosophy. 

    For instance, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) attended a Religious Science church of over 2000 members in Huntington Beach, California.

    Rev. Michael Beckwith, featured over and over again in the movie, is the minister of Agape Church of Religious Science in Los Angeles.  This huge church (7000 + members) has been attended by many celebrities over the years: Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid, Jasmine Guy, Hilary Swank, etc.

    Dr. Joe Vitale, prominently featured in the film, wrote his master’s thesis on a type of affirmative prayer called “treatment.”  One of the methods he explores in detail is that of Science of Mind.

    One of the world’s best-selling novelists, Sidney Sheldon, became a follower of Religious Science after the death of a child.  A few years later his career as a novelist REALLY took off. 


    Or do these men know something you don’t?

    And these are famous followers of only one book in the Secrets of THE SECRET package. There are 26 more, plus bonuses!

    Just think of what your life will be like when you read, absorb, and put into practice all the ideas contained within the complete package.

    27 Life-Changing Books

    Here are the classic New Thought e-books included in this life-changing package.  Click for details:

    1.  Above Life’s Turmoil by James Allen

    From the Foreword:

    We cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to our liking, nor mould the world to our wishes but we can alter internal things,-our desires, passions, thoughts,-we can shape our liking to other people, and we can mould the inner world of our own mind in accordance with wisdom, and so reconcile it to the outer world if men and things. The turmoil of the world we cannot avoid, but the disturbances of mind we can overcome. The duties and difficulties of life claim our attention, but we can rise above all anxiety concerning them. Surrounded by noise, we can yet have a quiet mind; involved in responsibilities, the heart can be at rest; in the midst of strife, we can know the abiding peace. The twenty pieces which comprise this book, unrelated as some of them are in the letter, will be found to be harmonious in the spirit, in that they point the reader towards those heights of self-knowledge and self-conquest which, rising above the turbulence of the world, lift their peaks where the Heavenly Silence reigns.

    -- James Allen


    • True Happiness
    • The Immortal Man
    • The Overcoming of Self
    • The Uses of Temptation
    • The Man of Integrity
    • Discrimination
    • Belief, the Basis of Action
    • Belief that Saves
    • Thought and Action
    • Your Mental Attitude
    • Sowing and Reaping
    • The Reign of Law
    • The Supreme Justice
    • The Use of Reason
    • Self-Discipline
    • Resolution
    • The Glorious Conquest
    • Contentment in Activity
    • The Temple of Brotherhood
    • Pleasant Pastures of Peace

    2.  As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

    A classic of its time!

    Your thoughts and your dreams determine what you are and what you will be. This little book is meant to stimulate men and women to the discovery and perception of the truth that they themselves are makers of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and encourage. Contents: Effect of Thought on Circumstances; Effect of Thought on Health and Body; Thought and Purpose; Thought Factor in Achievement; Vision and Ideals; Serenity.

    Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought. Sickly thoughts will express themselves through a sickly body. Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease; while impure thoughts, even if not physically indulged, will sooner shatter the nervous system.

    3.  The Path of Prosperity by James Allen

    In the foreword James Allen states:

    "I looked around upon the world, and saw that it was shadowed by sorrow and scorched by the fierce fires of suffering. And I looked for the cause. I looked around, but could not find it; I looked in books, but could not find it; I looked within, and found there both the cause and the self-made nature of that cause. I looked again, and deeper, and found the remedy. I found one Law, the Law of Love; one Life, the Life of adjustment to that Law; one Truth, the truth of a conquered mind and a quiet and obedient heart."

    He concludes that happiness is short-lived in a human life and wonders:

    "Is there, then, no way of escape from pain and sorrow? Are there no means by which bonds of evil may be broken? Is permanent happiness, secure prosperity, and abiding peace a foolish dream? No, there is a way, and I speak it with gladness, by which evil can be slain for ever; there is a process by which disease, poverty, or any adverse condition or circumstance can be put on one side never to return; there is a method by which a permanent prosperity can be secured, free from all fear of the return of adversity, and there is a practice by which unbroken and unending peace and bliss can be partaken of and realized.
    And the beginning of the way which leads to this glorious realization is the acquirement of a right understanding of the nature of evil.

    It is not sufficient to deny or ignore evil; it must be understood. It is not enough to pray to God to remove the evil; you must find out why it is there, and what lesson it has for you. It is of no avail to fret and fume and chafe at the chains which bind you; you must know why and how you are bound. Therefore, reader, you must get outside yourself, and must begin to examine and understand yourself. You must cease to be a disobedient child in the school of experience and must begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your edification and ultimate perfection; for evil, when rightly understood, is found to be, not an unlimited power or principle in the universe, but a passing phase of human experience, and it therefore becomes a teacher to those who are willing to learn. Evil is not an abstract some thing outside yourself; it is an experience in your own heart, and by patiently examining and rectifying your heart you will be gradually led into the discovery of the origin and nature of evil, which will necessarily be followed by its complete eradication."


    The Lesson of Evil
    The World a Reflex of Mental States
    The Way out of Undesirable Conditions
    The Silent Power of Thought: Controlling
    and Directing One's Forces
    The Secret of Health, Success and Power
    The Secret of Abounding Happiness
    The Realization of Prosperity

    4.  Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell

    From an Amazon review:

    Toward the end of his life, Russell H. Conwell (1843-1925) observed, "I am astonished that so many people should care to hear this story over again. Indeed, this lecture has become a study in psychology; it often breaks all rules of oratory, departs from the precepts of rhetoric, and yet remains the most popular of any lecture I have delivered in the fifty-seven years of my public life. I have sometimes studied for a year upon a lecture and made careful research, and then presented the lecture just once -- never delivered it again. I put too much work on it. But this had no work on it -- thrown together perfectly at random, spoken offhand without any special preparation, and it succeeds when the thing we study, work over, adjust to a plan, is an entire failure." He then went on to explain to each audience that "acres of diamonds are to be found in this city, and you are to find them. Many have found them. And what man has done, man can do. [They are] are not in far-away mountains or in distant seas; they are in your own back yard if you will but dig for them." These comments provide an excellent introduction to Conwell's book. As I read it, I thought about Dorothy in L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz. Only after a series of adventures far from Kansas did she realize that "there's no place like home." What Conwell has in mind involves far more than such appreciation, however. The tale he shares in this book, concerning a wealthy Persian named Ali Hafed, demonstrates that almost everything we may seek elsewhere is already in our lives and available to us.

    5.  At Your Command by Neville Goddard

    Ask yourself -- What would you want if you could command the universe to hand it to you? Fame? Fortune? Heath? Romance? Enlightenment? At last -- for the first time since 1939 -- a famous mystic's recipe for guaranteed success is revealed in the little masterpiece called "At Your Command." Neville was a popular author and speaker who taught practical metaphysics beginning in the Great Depression of the 1930s. His methods influenced countless people, from prolific writer Joseph Murphy to bestselling author Dr. Joe Vitale, author of the #1 bestseller, The Attractor Factor. Vitale discovered a rare pristine copy of Neville's first long lost book, paid a whopping $515 for it, and arranged to bring it back in print. You can now read this brilliant little gem and begin to realize that the world is truly "At Your Command!"

    6.  Character-Building Thought Power 
    by Ralph Waldo Trine

    An excerpt:

    UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish, while their opposites would, on the contrary, bring as much peace and joy, as well as a continually increasing power. Have we it within our power to determine at all times what types of habits shall take form in our Iives? In other words, is habit-forming, character-building, a matter of mere chance, or have we it within our own control? We have, entirely and absolutely. "I will be what I will to be," can be said and should be said by every human soul.

    7.  The Greatest Thing Ever Known 
    by Ralph Waldo Trine  

    From an Amazon Reviewer:

    Trine was one of those old metaphysicians, like also Thomas Troward, Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Ernest Holmes, whose nobility of thought and elegant way with words are not easily rivaled by modern writers in the field. Like the others, he writes in the Christian Gnostic tradition and illumines the scriptures in a way that has relevance and practical application for seekers after truth. Only as Being projects itself into existence are we able to know it. We may know the fact that Being "is," but only as it manifests itself in form are we able to know it itself. And it is only through thought that we are able to conceive of Divine Being as the infinite spirit and essence of life and then to realise that it is the life of our life - in this way we can allow it to become incarnate in us. Rightly directed thought has redeeming power, so it is through our thought that we can create for ourselves a new heaven and a new earth. Trine explains why it is better to avoid perplexing theological theories and dogmas that merely give a vague promise of some afterlife instead of the means of actualising the divine life here and now. The one great truth of being is that there's no real life except God and to the extent that we realise the indwelling presence, we become awakened beings. But it is not the mere intellectual recognition, but the conscious vital and living realisation of this truth that makes it of value and renders it manifest in our everyday lives. This great classic is of the same quality as Trine's "In Tune with the Infinite" and I highly recommend it. -- Joburg Pete

    8.   Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady

    H. Emilie Cady was a true holistic pioneer.  Both a turn-of the-century homeopathic practitioner and metaphysician, she treated her patients medically and spiritually. The unique spiritual approach she taught was simple, clear and rooted in her own experience. Dr. Cady taught that your life can be transformed by the power of your thoughts, words, and beliefs.  She encouraged individuals to find the truth as it is written in their own hearts and then apply these truths in every area of their lives. Lessons in Truth has sold over 1.5 million copies since its first publication in 1896. It has been translated into many languages and braille.

    Twelve chapters include Faith, Affirmations, Thinking, Spiritual Understanding, Statement of Being, and more. "The light that you so crave will come out of the deep silence and become manifest to you from within yourself, if you will but keep still and look for it from that source."

    Cady studied with Emma Curtis Hopkins, renowned "New Thought teacher of teachers," but remained spiritually independent. Dr. Cady was a contemporary of Emmett Fox, the popular New Thought writer; Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of the Unity School of Christianity; Ernest Holmes, founder of the Church of Religious Science, and other great minds of the New Thought movement. H. Emilie Cady was inspired by Biblical teachings and influenced by the ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    9.    Prosper (aka Prosperity) by Charles Fillmore 

    In the following twelve lessons, the author has attempted to explain man's lawful appropriation of the supplies spiritually and electrically provided by God.  When we understand and adjust our mind to the realm or kingdom where these rich ideas and their electrical thought forms exist, we shall experience in our temporal affairs what is called prosperity.  

    From the book's Foreword:

    It is perfectly logical to assume that a wise and competent Creator would provide for the needs of His creatures in their various stages of growth. The supply would be given as required and as the necessary effort for its appropriation was made by the creature. Temporal needs would be met by temporal things, mental needs by things of like character, and spiritual needs by spiritual elements. For simplification of distribution all would be composed of one primal spiritual substance, which under proper direction could be transformed into all products at the will of the operator. This is a crude yet true illustration of the underlying principles on which the human family is supplied on this earth. The Father has provided a universal seed substance that responds with magical power to the active mind of man. Faith in the increasing capacity of this seed substance, whether wrapped in visible husks or latent in invisible electrical units, always rewards man with the fruits of his labor.

    The farmer may seem to get his supply from the seeds he plants, but he would never plant a seed unless he had faith in its innate capacity to increase, and that seed would never multiply without the quickening life of Spirit. Thus we see that all increase of substance depends on the quickening life of Spirit, and this fact gives us the key to mental processes that when used spiritually will greatly increase and at the same time simplify our appropriation of that inexhaustivle substance which creative Mind so generously provided...

    An Amazon Review:

    "I have read many books on Prosperity. This book pulled it together for me. I am on my 4th time reading it. Prosperity is about quality of life. Since reading this, my income and equity has exceeded in amounts to large to say. My sense of peace and purpose is even larger than that. The book was written so long ago that sometime the language and word usage can be tricky. At the end of each chapter are questions intended to help grasp the concepts. I found this to be helpful. This is a must read." -- Diana Renison

    10.  Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy

               Science and Health – 1875 Edition. 

    Some books can change your life. This is one of them! Every day people find practical, spiritual answers for health and healing, security, and lasting relationships in Science and Health -- a reference book for life! 

    The author, Mary Baker Eddy, devoted more than four decades to refining this message of hope, healing, comfort and spiritual strength. First published in 1875, this book has a 125-year history of inspiring and healing readers worldwide. It is published in English and in 16 different bilingual translations and has sold more than ten million copies. 

    11.   Science of Being Well by Wallace Wattles

    From the AUTHOR'S PREFACE:

    This volume is the second of a series, the first of which is The Science of Getting Rich. As that book is intended solely for those who want money, so this is for those who want health, and who want a practical guide and handbook, not a philosophical treatise.

    It is an instructor in the use of the universal Principle of Life, and my effort has been to explain the way in so plain and simple a fashion that the reader, though he may have given no previous study to New Thought or metaphysics, may readily follow it to perfect health. While retaining all essentials, I have carefully eliminated all non-essentials. I have used no technical, abstruse, or difficult language, and have kept the one point in view at all times.

    As its title asserts, the book deals with science, not speculation. The monistic theory of the universe — the theory that matter, mind, consciousness, and life are all manifestations of One Substance — is now accepted by most thinkers, and if you accept this theory, you cannot deny the logical conclusions you will find here.

    Best of all, the methods of thought and action prescribed have been tested by the author in his own case and in the case of hundreds of others during twelve years of practice, with continuous and unfailing success.

    I can say of the Science of Being Well that it works, and that wherever its laws are complied with, it can no more fail to work than the science of geometry can fail to work. If the tissues of your body have not been so destroyed that continued life is impossible, you can get well, and if you will think and act in a Certain Way, you will get well.

    Those who wish more detailed information as to the performance of the voluntary function of eating, I would recommend the writings of Horace Fletcher and of Edward Hooker Dewey. Read these, if you like, as a sort of buttress to your faith, but let me warn you against making the mistake of studying many conflicting theories, and practicing, at the same time, parts of several different “systems.” For if you get well, it must be by giving your WHOLE MIND to the right way of thinking and living.

    Remember that the Science of Being Well claims to be a complete and sufficient guide in every particular. Concentrate upon the way of thinking and acting it prescribes, and follow it in every detail, and you will get well, or if you are already well, you will remain so.

    Trusting that you will go on until the priceless blessing of perfect health is yours, I remain,

    Truly Yours,

    - Wallace D. Wattles

    12.  The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

    This is a book for the ages.  In precise and powerful prose it lays out the blueprint for the remaking of the mind and the reenchantment of the world." -- Jean Houston, Ph.D

    In the early part of the twentieth century, a visionary named Ernest Holmes began a journey of exploration and research that profoundly affected thinkers throughout America. His work, based on the teachings of the great philosophers, the sacred wisdom of both Eastern and Western traditions, and the empirical nature of science, offers a philosophy of religion and psychology emphasizing the limitless potential of the human mind. This book contains the fundamentals of Holmes's teachings and is a primary resource used by teaching centers and spiritual healers worldwide. Its universal principles apply to people of all spiritual backgrounds as they describe a higher level of existence attainable through the use of Nature's forces and the power of God. While imparting an unrivaled technique for living, Dr. Holmes's classic guide speaks clearly to a complex world caught in transition and searching for guidance.

    13.  Think and Grow Rich 
    by Napoleon Hill (unexpurgated 1937 ed.)

    "Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."  -- Napoleon Hill  

    Perhaps the most famous self-help book of all time!!!

    First published in 1937, this is the end product of two decades of research conducted by Napoleon Hill. His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon who was then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment of organizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Hill, who was a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter from Carnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful people including Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D. Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M. Schwab. Hill then revealed the priceless wisdom of his research in the form of the thirteen steps to success (in Think and Grow Rich) and the seventeen principles of success (in courses and lectures he conducted).

    American born Napoleon Hill is considered to have influenced more people into success than any other person in history. He has been perhaps the most influential man in the area of personal success technique development, primarily through his classic book Think and Grow Rich which has helped million of the people and has been important in the life of many successful people such as W. Clement Stone and Og Mandino.

    Napoleon Hill was born into poverty in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. At the age of 10 his mother died, and two years later his father remarried. He became a very rebellious boy, but grew up to be an incredible man. He began his writing career at age 13 as a "mountain reporter" for small town newspapers and went on to become America's most beloved motivational author. Fighting against all class of great disadvantages and pressures, he dedicated more than 25 years of his life to define the reasons by which so many people fail to achieve true financial success and happiness in their life. 

    During this time he achieved great success as an attorney and journalist. His early career as a reporter helped finance his way through law school. He was given an assignment to write a series of success stories of famous men, and his big break came when he was asked to interview steel-magnate Andrew Carnegie. Mr. Carnegie commissioned Hill to interview over 500 millionaires to find a success formula that could be used by the average person. These included Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, Charles M. Schwab, Theodore Roosevelt, William Wrigley Jr, John Wanamaker, WIlliam Jennings Bryan, George Eastman, Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft, John D. Rockefeller, F. W. Woolworth, Jennings Randolph, among others.

    He became an advisor to Andrew Carnegie, and with Carnegie's help he formulated a philosophy of success, drawing on the thoughts and experience of a multitude of rags-to-riches tycoons. It took Hill over 20 years to produce his book, a classic in the Personal Development field called Think and Grow Rich. This book has sold over 7 million copies and has helped thousands achieve success. The secret to success is very simple but you'll have to read the book to find out what it is!  

    14. The Creative Process in the Individual 
    by Thomas Troward

    The author scientifically explains the sequence of creative action, from the first beginnings of life through the development of the race to the need to the present day - the perfect realization of the divine right of creation. The knowledge of oneself, made in the likeness of the great creative power and necessarily sharing in that power to create what is good, will open up a wonderful vista of possibilities to all who follow unerringly the law of their own being.

    From the Foreword: 

    In the present volume I have endeavored to set before the reader the conception of a sequence of creative action commencing with the formation of the globe and culminating in a vista of infinite possibilities attainable by every one who follows up the right line for their unfoldment. 

    I have endeavored to show that, starting with certain incontrovertible scientific facts, all these things logically follow, and that therefore, however far these speculations may carry us beyond our past experience, they nowhere break the thread of an intelligible connection of cause and effect. 

    I do not, however, offer the suggestions here put forward in any other light than that of purely speculative reasoning; nevertheless, no advance in any direction can be made except by speculative reasoning going back to the first principles of things which we do know and thence deducing the conditions under which the same principles might be carried further and made to produce results hitherto unknown. It is to this method of thought that we owe all the advantages of civilization from matches and post-offices to motor-cars and aeroplanes, and we may therefore be encouraged to hope such speculations as the present may not be without their ultimate value. Relying on the maxim that Principle is not bound by Precedent we should not limit our expectations of the future; and if our speculations lead us to the conclusion that we have reached a point where we are not only able, but also required, by the law of our own being, to take a more active part in our personal evolution than heretofore, this discovery will afford us a new outlook upon life and widen our horizon with fresh interests and brightening hopes.

    Thomas Troward, June 1910



    15.  The Dore Lectures on Mental Science 
    by Thomas Troward

    From the Foreword:

    The addresses contained in this volume were delivered by me at the Dore Gallery, Bond Street, London, on the Sundays of the first three months of the present year, and are now published at the kind request of many of my hearers, hence their title of "The Dore Lectures." A number of separate discourses on a variety of subjects necessarily labours under the disadvantage of want of continuity, and also under that of a liability to the frequent repetition of similar ideas and expressions, and the reader will, I trust, pardon these defects as inherent in the circumstances of the work. At the same time it will be found that, although not specially so designed, there is a certain progressive development of thought through the dozen lectures which compose this volume, the reason for which is that they all aim at expressing the same fundamental idea, namely that, though the laws of the universe can never be broken, they can be made to work under special conditions which will produce results that could not be produced under the conditions spontaneously provided by nature. This is a simple scientific principle and it shows us the place which is occupied by the personal factor, that, namely, of an intelligence which sees beyond the present limited manifestation of the Law into its real essence, and which thus constitutes the instru-mentality by which the infinite possibilities of the Law can be evoked into forms of power, usefulness, and beauty.

    The more perfect, therefore, the working of the personal factor, the greater will be the results developed from the Universal Law; and hence our lines of study should be two-fold--on the one hand the theoretical study of the action of Universal Law, and on the other the practical fitting of ourselves to make use of it; and if the present volume should assist any reader in this two-fold quest, it will have answered its purpose.

    The different subjects have necessarily been treated very briefly, and the addresses can only be considered as suggestions for lines of thought which the reader will be able to work out for himself, and he must therefore not expect that careful elaboration of detail which I would gladly have bestowed had I been writing on one of these subjects exclusively. This little book must be taken only for what it is, the record of somewhat fragmentary talks with a very indulgent audience, to whom I gratefully dedicate the volume.

                      --- Thomas Troward, June 5, 1909.



    16. The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science
     by Thomas Troward  

    From the Foreword:

    This book contains the substance of a course of lectures recently given by the writer in the Queen Street Hall, Edinburgh. Its purpose is to indicate the Natural Principles governing the relation between Mental Action and Material Conditions, and thus to afford the student an intelligible starting-point for the practical study of the subject.

    -- Thomas Troward, March, 1904.


    XV.--THE SOUL 

    17.  Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend

    Genevieve Behrend was the only personal student of Thomas Troward, the master of "Mental Science."  Your Invisible Power is a powerful, yet simple and easy guide.  This book can teach you how to use the power of visualization and other processes taught by Thomas Troward to transform your life. 

    Behrend says, "We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers. It brings other possibilities to our observation.  When we pause to think for a moment, we realize that for a cosmos to exist at all, it must be the outcome of a cosmic mind."  Your Invisible Power remains Behrend's most powerful and popular work.

    18. The Game of Life and How to Play It 
    by Florence Scovel Shinn

    Abundance, prosperity, healing, vital health, wealth, increased creativity and attunement with Spirit are all results that Florence Scovel Shin experienced in her life and in her book, The Game of Life, she explains with real-life examples how our lives can be lived in a more positive and conscious way. 

    The Game Of Life is the most popular of several books written by Ms. Shinn. Although not as well known today, this book was very influential in the 1920s and ‘30s during the trying times of the Depression. This book and its author remain outstanding proponents of the power of thought and of the necessity of reducing fear. Throughout this work, examples of positive thoughts and the influence they have on our life's experiences are laid out in entertaining detail. 

    As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, "The Game of Life is filled with wisdom and creative insights. That its teachings will work I know to be fact, for I've long used them myself."

    "The object of the game of life is to see clearly one's good and to obliterate all mental pictures of evil. This must be done by impressing the subconscious mind with a realization of good. When man can wish without worrying, every desire will be instantly fulfilled... Fear is man's only enemy - fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of sickness, fear of loss and a feeling of insecurity on some plane... We must substitute faith for fear, for fear is only inverted faith; it is faith in evil instead of good..." Florence Scovel Shin - from "The Game of Life"

    19. The Greatest Thing in the World 
    by Henry Drummond  

    What is the greatest thing in the world? The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 13: LOVE. If we truly love God and others, we can bring the world closer to God and live in peace. 

    From an Amazon Reviewer:

    By the time I had read this book, I'd already read countless books and essays on religion and truth and love. This book offered me something extra - and opened my eyes to a wonderful new truth - mainly this - that love is enough.

    Never having been trained in the social graces, I always felt like a bit of a klutz in social settings such as dinner parties and even simple get-togethers.

    Drummond makes the point that if you have love - if you can feel and express love - you have it all. So instead of focusing on which fork to use for the shrimp and salad, I started focusing on how much God loved me and everyone around me.

    And that little simple truth enabled me to feel more at ease in every circumstance and in every situation.

    Drummond's book is about grace, love, truth, Universal spiritual laws - it's got it all. From little things (like social graces) to big things (like loving our fellow man - irrespective of his lot in life) this book will change your life.

    This should be required reading for everyone.
         -- Rosemary F. Thornton 

    20.  The Mental Cure by Warren Felt Evans

    Full Title: The Mental Cure, Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, Both in Health and Disease, and the Psychological Method of Treatment (1869). While the exact circulation figures for these books is not known, a ninth edition of The Mental Cure was called for more than sixteen years after it was first issued; Primative Mind Cure went into at least five editions, and it is most likely that various editions of his other books appeared also. One certain fact is that he was the first and indeed the only figure, aside from Mrs. Eddy, who attempted to work out a consistent philosophically supported system of what may be called mental or metaphysical healing, during the first two decades after the death of P. P. Quimby. 


    While Phineas P. Quimby may without doubt be regarded as the founder not only of the New Thought Movement but of the so-called Metaphysical Movement in America, credit for the spread of his ideas and methods, as well as for the organization of movements that have made these a force in American life, go to four others. These were four sick people who sought healing at his hands within a period of less than two years, in 1862-63: Annetta G. Seabury, Julius A. Dresser, Mary Baker Glover Patterson (later Mary Baker Eddy), and Warren Felt Evans.

    Julius A. Dresser and Annetta Seabury, who were husband and wife, were the first effectively to organize what has since been called New Thought; Mary Baker Eddy became the founder of Christian Science; and Warren Felt Evans became the first to give literary form to the new ideas and methods of cure, though he never seems to have concerned himself with any institutional expression of either -- save that he established a kind of mind-cure sanitarium at Salisbury, Massachusetts, to which people came for rest and healing.

    In 1867 he opened an office in Boston and for more than twenty years, with his wife, practiced and taught informally the principles of mental healing.  Evans not only healed but he wrote a great deal. His great distinction lies in the fact that he was the first to write of the new healing and its basis as taught and practiced by Quimby. His first book, The Mental Cure, (Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, Both in Health and Disease, and the Psychological Method of Treatment,) was published in 1869, only three years after Quimby's death and six years before the appearance of Science & Health by Mrs. Eddy. Thus Evans became the first in a long line of exponents of the basis of New Thought ideas and methods to set them forth in published book form.

    21. The Power of Silence by Horatio Dresser

    From the Preface:

    THIS volume is the first of a series of studies of the inner life the main purpose of which is twofold. The point of approach is from the side of practical experience, and the first object is the development of a practical method. But, incidentally, it is hoped that the facts and values of this practical study may be of service to philosophy. In fact, the production of these volumes was begun with the conviction that philosophy and life may be brought nearer, that practical interests put new demands upon philosophy; while the practical man may be greatly benefited by the study of idealistic first principles. Hence the point of view is midway between the world of exact thinking and the world of actual living. The interest is not primarily psychological; nor is it ethical or religious. Yet all of these interests play a part. That is to say, aside from one's particular faith, there seems to be a demand for a new science and a new art: the art and science of the inner life investigated in the freest spirit without regard to specific doctrines. Such a science has become a necessity because of the failure of other inquiries to push through to the heart of reality in the inner world. The art is needed to solve the problems which remain over when it is a question of the more practical application of the precepts of ethics, religion, and philosophy. For the conventional systems often fail to make clear precisely how a man should begin to live the better life.

    22. The Power of Thought by Henry Thomas Hamblin

    This is about changing our mental attitude in order to come into harmony with the Divine Idea. Thought is the basis of success and prosperity. The world today is in its current state because of mankind’s collective thinking. This work is not about suppressing negative thoughts which can be destructive too, but transmuting them instead. Chapters include: The Overcoming of Fear and The Effect of Thought on Health.

    23.   Within You is the Power 
    by Henry Thomas Hamblin

    This being one of Hamblin's more popular books, it has sold over 200,000 copies.

    “There is a power lying hidden in man, by the use of which he can rise to higher and better things...” writes Hamblin. The work serves to help bring the inner power of mind and depression in harmony with Universal Law. Chapters include: The Secret of Abundant Supply, Overcoming Limitations and Awakening Inner Powers.


    Henry Thomas Hamblin was born at Walworth, London in 1873. Born into a poor family, he was determined to emerge from the rut which everyone was destined to fall into without being able to afford proper school and training.  All through his life Hamblin had experienced visionary experiences where he came in contact with a Divine Presence : " ... It is not possible to describe such an experience," he wrote. " All care, anxiety and fear vanished, and I felt that I was cradled in Divine Love.... The deep peace of the Eternal flowed through me like a river; yet at the same time it was as though I was being carried along on a stream of Divine Bliss..."  

     It was around the early1920's that he began to write. The words seemed to flow from him. He found writing clarified his thoughts. One of his first books written in this new phase of his career was Within You Is The Power, which was to sell over 200,00 copies. Hamblin believed that there is a source of abundance within which, when contacted, could change a person's entire life. As long as people blamed their circumstances they were stuck in the 'victim role', but if they moved in harmony with their inner source their life could be full of abundance and harmony.

    24. The Secret of Success by William W. Atkinson

    A Course of Nine Lessons on the Subject of the Application of the Latent Powers of the Individual Toward Attainment of Success in Life. 


    Secret of Success
    The Individual
    Your latent powers
    Soul force
    Powers of desire
    Law of attraction
    Personal magnetism
    Attractive personality

    25.  Thought Vibration by William W. Atkinson

    From an description:

    In this New Thought classic, Atkinson looks at the law of attraction in the thought world. He points out the similarities between the law of gravitation and the mental law of attraction. He explains that thought vibrations are as real as those manifesting as light, heat, magnetism and electricity. The difference is in the vibratory rate which also explains the fact that thought vibrations cannot usually be perceived by our 5 senses.

    He argues that there are huge gaps in the spectrum of light and sound vibrations, wide enough to include other worlds. It is logical that these activities would be perceived by sense organs attuned to them. Increasingly sophisticated scientific instruments are able to register more and more of these hidden frequencies.

    There is constant interaction between negative and positive thought vibrations - it is the task of the individual to raise the keynote of their mind to a positive pitch by an act of will. Atkinson discusses the purpose of affirmations as twofold: firstly, to establish new mental attitudes, secondly to raise the mental keynote. He also mentions that there must be a balance between giving out expressions and taking in impressions in a receptive state.

    The many faculties of the mind are identified and discussed, and the author asserts that the current of will-power flows strongly along spiritual wires but the individual must train in order to optimally tap into this energy source. The "I" is the master of the mind and the "will" is the instrument of the "I." Affirmations for internalising this insight are provided here.

    Atkinson also shows how to overcome negative emotions like fear, worry, envy, anger and hate. He firmly believes in the operation of universal law in all circumstances and advises the reader to tune in to the harmony of the law. I found the chapters Asserting The Life Force and Training The Habit Mind particularly helpful and inspiring.

    Although this book was written years ago, the text still sounds fresh and contemporary. The explanations of mental laws and processes are clear and concise and the exercises are simple and effective. I enjoyed the author's infectious optimism and his simple, direct approach.


    William Walker Atkinson was a very important and influential figure in the early days of the New Thought Movement.  He pursued a business career from 1882 onwards and in 1894 he was admitted as an attorney to the Bars of Pennsylvania. Whilst he gained much material success in his profession as a lawyer, the stress and over-strain eventually took its toll, and during this time he experienced a complete physical and mental breakdown, and financial disaster. He looked for healing and in the late 1880's he found it with New Thought.  From mental and physical wreck and financial ruin, he wrought through its principles, perfect health, mental vigor and material prosperity.  Some time after his healing, Atkinson began to write some articles on the Truths which he had discovered which was then known as Mental Science, and in 1889 an article by him entitled "A Mental Science Catechism," appeared in Charles Fillmore's new periodical, Modern Thought.  Atkinson wrote a great many books on New Thought as well, which became very popular and influential among New Thought devotees and practitioners and achieved wide circulation.   He wrote nearly a hundred books with many other pseudonyms: Theodore Sheldon, Theron Q.Dumont, Swami Panchadasi, The Three Initiates, Magus Incognitus and probably others not identified at present.

    26.  Thoughts are Things by Prentice Mulford

    From an anonymous reviewer:

    This beautifully expressed work has become a kind of bible for me. Open it at any page when you are troubled and just read the message it has for you. Written by a "new age" thinker long before this kind of thought had become fashionable - it illustrates the strength and power of mind and word. Anything is possible, it says, if only we can get out of the way of our own preconceived ideas and prejudices. A beautiful combination of lightness and depth and truly a book to treasure.


    Chapter 2 - WHO ARE OUR RELATIONS?
    Chapter 3 - THOUGHT CURRENTS
    Chapter 5 - LOOK FORWARD!
    Chapter 9 - THE GOD IN YOURSELF


    27.  Your Forces and How to Use Them 
    by Christian Larson

    This self-help book has already helped readers the world over to achieve the seemingly impossible just by learning how to bring the incredible force of the subconscious under their control. It provides powerful techniques for changing your life simply by changing your beliefs. The book combines time honored spiritual wisdom to explain the influence of the subconscious mind on everything you do.  It presents simple, practical and effective methods that can turn your mind into a powerful tool for improving your everyday life.

    The following opening from Chapter 1 was so popular it was adopted by Optimist International in 1922 to be their creed.  The words are just as powerful  and meaningful today:


    To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
    To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
    To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
    To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
    To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
    To wear a cheerful countenance at all timed and give every living creature you meet a smile.
    To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticise others.
    To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear; and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
    To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but in great deeds.
    To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

    Many have found inspiration in The Optimist Creed. In hospitals, the creed has been used to help patients recover from illness. In locker rooms, coaches have used it to motivate their players.


    1) The Ruling Principle in Man
    2) How we Govern the Forces We Possess
    3) The Use of Mind in Practical Action
    4) The Forces of the Subconscious
    5) Training the Subconscious for Special Results
    6) The Power of Subjective Thought
    7) How Man Becomes What He thinks
    8) The Art of changing for the Better
    9) He Can Who Thinks He Can
    10) How We Secure What We Persistently Desire
    11) Concentration and the Power Back of Suggestion
    12) The Development of the Will
    13) The Building of a Great Mind
    14) How Character Determines Constructive Action
    15) The Art of Building Character
    16) The Creative Forces in Man
    17) The Building Power of Consecutive Speech
    18) Imagination and the Master Mind
    19) The Higher Forces in Man
    20) The Greatest Power in Man.

    And the Last Two Extremely Special Books!

    28.   The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

    THE SECRET website states that producer Rhonda Byrne, in 2004, discovered The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. It was given to Rhonda in a moment of crisis by her daughter.  This New Thought work from 1910 opened her eyes to a new way of living and propelled her on a new-found mission to bring the principles of the Universe to the masses – by creating the film THE SECRET!  

    Here's a taste of this wonderful book:

    "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.

    It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

    Wallace D. Wattles,
    The Science of Getting Rich, Chap. 2

    29.  The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
    from the Master
    Who Taught Napoleon Hill ...

    Producer Rhonda Byrne was also influenced by another author, a man named Charles Haanel, who wrote a course many years ago called The Master Key System.  This course was eventually assembled into a book and eventually sold over 200,000 copies. However, upon its initial release, the course sold for $1500!

    The movie preview mentions that "The Secret" was banned by the church in 1933.  Because "organized religion" feared that the public would access their inner power without relying upon religious institutions to do so, the book virtually disappeared for a number of years. 

    This is a powerful book packed with some incredible information. But don't take my word for it.  Let Think and Grow Rich author Napoleon Hill tell you (the following is taken from a letter to Haanel):

    "I believe in giving credit where it is due, therefore I believe I ought to inform you that my present success and the success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in the Master Key System."

    It's rumored that Bill Gates got hold of this book many years ago when he was a student and used it to develop his Microsoft empire. (And develop it, he certainly did!)

    29 e-books for $27.00!  $10.00 Buy It Now!

    That's just 93 33 cents per book! 

    (But don't forget your bonuses ... scroll down for more info)

    This is an amazing collection of books that can bring you more joy, zest, and prosperity in your life. 

    And you do want more prosperity in your life, don’t you?  

    How about lavish abundance?

    You’re not alone.


    "It is a sin to be poor." 
    Charles Fillmore

    Abundance is one of the main reasons people seek out a thorough understanding of the principles of the Universe.  And those who master these principles have become some of the most successful and wealthiest individuals on the planet.  

    They've become satisfied and happy. 

    They've become the people you saw in THE SECRET. 

    Wouldn’t you like to be one of them?

    Wouldn’t you like to jump out of bed in the morning filled with complete joy and enthusiasm, eager to start the day?

    Wouldn’t you like to find your perfect mate?  Someone to whom you can bare your soul and know that anything you say will be accepted with unconditional love? 

    Wouldn’t you like to live in your ideal home?  In the perfect neighborhood? 

    It's all within your reach using the Law of Attraction and the concepts presented in this e-book collection. You've seen THE SECRET, now it's time to get the detailed secrets of how it is all possible and how it can all come true.

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    Make all your wishes come true.  Remember, just as the movie shows, the real genie lies within you. 

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